As fate would have it, I recently found myself as the
front-seat-driver privy to five teenage girls in the backseat playing “One
Minute Madness,” otherwise known as “The Um Game.” The object is to talk about a given topic for
one solid minute without saying the words “um,” “like,” or “ya know.” Topics ranged from the mundane (stop signs)
to the icky (ear wax) and as they laughed their way through it, they all agreed
that the game was surprisingly challenging.
(I swear on my copy of “Do you Speak American?” that I did not put them
up to this.)
How terrific that teenage girls are game for a new game that
challenges their ability to speak without verbal tics and crutches!
The fact is, we do need a better game plan – or more games
and better strategies - to help
young girls/women modify their speech patterns so the sound of their own voices
don’t get in the way of their success.
Just a few days ago, Christina Sterbenz, a young writer at
Business Insider, contributed a trend story entitled, “Are These Common SpeechHabits Bringing You Down?” She says, “How you say something matters as much as,
like, what you say. If
you want to get your ideas across, then pay attention to certain controversial speech
habits becoming increasingly more common.”
Sterbenz covers six of the most common trends, many of which I have covered in this blog:
1. Vocal Fry
2. Uptalking
3. Beginning sentences with “so”
4. Saying “Um” and “Ah”
5. Saying
6. Clearing your throat
All six trends have video accompaniments. Former News Anchor Connie Chung does a great
piece on uptalking, interviewing both a linguist on her thesis and Villanova college
students on this contagious rise in our intonation that turns our proclamations
into questions.

According to speech/language pathologist Marci Macaluso, “You need to be conscious of
your speech pattern at the same time that you are being spontaneous in your
conversation. There are different
strategies for shaping these behaviors.
But, you really
need to commit to changing, because it takes a lot of practice.”
We all want to present our best selves. No matter our chosen professions, internships or leadership positions, we don't just need to dress for success, we need to speak to impress! But how do we find our own authentic voice,
and one not riddled with like, ya know, whatever?
At the upcoming panel presentation on September 18th, 7-9pm at the Chappaqua Library, we will discuss all of this – the socio-linguistic trends
(aka verbal fashion trends) including verbal tics and crutches, vocal fry and social media's affect on our speech patterns. There will be tips and tricks as well and as an opportunity to learn more about a speech modification program. And, I am so thrilled that I will be joined by Speech/Language Pathologist Marci Macaluso, Writopia Lab Director Lena Roy and Human Resources Consultant Pam Schiffman.
Like, hope to see ya there!:-)