Digital Daughters |
It’s 2015, and
our kids are 'gramming, texting, Snapchatting, tweeting and streaming.
The distracting
noise level on social channels is amplifying while the length of thoughtful prose
is diminishing.
Don’t despair…
Social media and its octopus-like tentacles that reach out
and poke our kids – cajoling them to “like,” “follow” and “post” – are
intimidating, and worrying, especially when new apps crop up like weeds. But when I looked to my Digital Daughter
Ambassadors (DDAs) – tweens, teens and young women from around the country – to
get insight into how they were managing with the proliferation of ways to communicate
(text, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, Tumblr – and
face-to-face), I found a lot of wisdom.

Here are some initial insights from the questionnaire, showing
our girls to be wise to both the downfalls and upshots of social media.