Digital Daughters |
It’s 2015, and
our kids are 'gramming, texting, Snapchatting, tweeting and streaming.
The distracting
noise level on social channels is amplifying while the length of thoughtful prose
is diminishing.
Don’t despair…
Social media and its octopus-like tentacles that reach out
and poke our kids – cajoling them to “like,” “follow” and “post” – are
intimidating, and worrying, especially when new apps crop up like weeds. But when I looked to my Digital Daughter
Ambassadors (DDAs) – tweens, teens and young women from around the country – to
get insight into how they were managing with the proliferation of ways to communicate
(text, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, Tumblr – and
face-to-face), I found a lot of wisdom.

Here are some initial insights from the questionnaire, showing
our girls to be wise to both the downfalls and upshots of social media.
At the outset, I asked which social media channels they
favored and why. Top rankings went to Instagram,
Snapchat, Facebook and Youtube, but other girls really loved Tumblr and
Q: What are your favorite social media channels?
Fourteen-year-old Marylander, Charlotte, a nail art expert, summed
it up nicely, “I love Snapchat and Instagram to see what my friends are doing and I use
YouTube if I want to learn how to do something or just as entertainment.”
My own digital daughter Amanda explained her devotion to
Instagram. “I love getting an insider's
look on the lives of big people and big brands.
For example, as a fashion lover, I get to see the inside of Zac Posen's
fashion studio, and as a food lover, I get to see Mario Batali’s latest creations. It
makes celebrity’s lives more accessible.”
(Ahh, so Instagram is not just for “selfies,” following your
friends’ enviable shopping adventures or punishing ballet poses.)
I followed up by asking:
Q: “Would you say that
social networks are the best way to engage with your friends? Or do you prefer
communicating face-to-face?”
The good news is that virtually all of my DDAs prefer
communicating with friends face-to-face (hallelujah!).
According to Alexandra, 15, from suburban New York, “Although using social
media is a fun way to talk/engage with friends, it is more important that we do
most of our communicating in person and that we don’t lose the skill of
talking effortlessly with others.”
For friends that are not close to home, however, they all agreed
that social media is a great way to stay in touch.

Erica, a 15-year-old from Irvine, California responded that social media is a
good thing because it creates a “closer-knit society.” “With social media
sites, we see more of each other's lives than just when we see each other in
person. Despite what adults think,
having access to someone's daily life without necessarily being a close friend
creates a sense of familiarity among people.”
Very wise.
My next question asked:
Q: “Do you think social
networking brings you and your friends closer?”
I got a variety of thoughtful answers:
Julia, 18, a Washington University freshman from Minnesota said, “Yes,
absolutely. It's an easy way for me to
communicate with friends and stay in touch with those I don’t talk to on a
daily basis.”
Charlotte (our 14-year-old nail artist) had a contrary take. “Social
media absolutely does not bring my friends closer together. Recently, at lunch, my friends were glued to
their phone screens, and we rarely talk anymore. They're prioritizing things like ‘The Kim
Kardashian Game’ or ‘TriviaCrack,’ over talking with each other.”
I love that these two girls – albeit at very different stages in
their lives – offer two very different and astute perspectives. That is the
beauty of these Digital Daughters Ambassadors, and I greatly appreciate their
willingness to share.
The latest news on teens and social media is always on my radar. Social Media Scholar Danah Boyd recently wrote a savvy response to a story by Mathew Ingram in titled, “When it Comes to Social Media, Teens are Not All Created Equal.” Boyd is concerned that in media
and tech circles, we tend to look at teenagers (a population that’s approximately 16
million people strong) as an undifferentiated mass and generalize
about what they want and don’t want from social media. I hope that through this
blog, we can garner some real insights from a diverse and growing group of impressive
girls, who can help us better understand what it is like to grow up in our
constantly-changing digital world.
Please let me know (by posting your comments below) what questions and concerns you may have and
what insights Our Digital Daughters can provide. I will keep the conversation going,
and I hope you all will to.
Throughout my travels and speaking to tween and teen girls, I find that girls get lost in communication. Like you say in your article, girls are so busy focusing on their social media #'s (likes, comments, "friends") that they have been shaped to believe that these numbers define who they are and their idea of communicating is expressed in such a way that no other generation has seen. This isn't the case for all girls but most girls are finding their validation from numbers instead of quality face-to-face conversations. Love this article!!
Thank you Lauren. Your work with Girls Above Society is so impressive, and your insights are so valuable! I'd love to meet you face-to-face:-).
Thanks Audrey for following this not-going-to-end-anytime-soon trend. It's hard to limit screen time when phones, computers, tablets, and TVs all compete for our girls' attention. I wonder how many of your DDAs also use e-readers since I'm constantly lamenting the decline of reading time. But, happily, my daughter is chatting away with a friend--in person!--as I type this. :-)
Thanks Ruth! Great question about e-readers vs. books..I will pose it to my DDAs on FB!
Thanks for keeping me in the loop on social media trends! I'm curious to know what percentage of the time your DDAs spend face-to-face is actually spent with phone-in-hand....
Hi Amanda! The results are still coming in, but virtually 100% of the girls said that they prefer face-to-face, although I didn't ask about percentage of time. That would be really interesting! WNYC's NewTechCity is doing something on that called "Bored and Brilliant" for which i signed up:-)
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