It should be a party drinking game.
Take a drink when you hear a celebrity say “like,” “ya’ know,” or “I can’t
Turns out,
the same celebrity role models that influence the way we look and act, also influence the way we speak. Even those we admire most are
riddled with verbal crutches – like, um, ya' know, whatever, ah, so, I mean, I
can’t even!
These disfluencies are contagious and most everyone I know in Generation X, Y and Z is guilty of the "like, ya' know" syndrome. But, in order to present our best selves, we should speak to mpress.
With this is mind, here are three excerpted interviews with Zooey Deschanel, Lena Dunham and Caroline Kennedy.
I love singer/songwriter and “New
Girl” actress Zooey Deschanel, but this interview made me think, maybe she should
be renamed the “Like Girl”?
Hollywood Reporter, Sept. 12,
2011, on writing the theme song to “New Girl.”
There were theme songs I had like in mind as like inspiration, like, I love the theme from Welcome Back, Kotter. John
Sebastian wrote that, from The Lovin' Spoonful. I really like love that sound, so I like wanted something
upbeat that really felt like
a theme song. Like
the theme song from Mary Tyler Moore felt really like upbeat and like gets you ready for a show about someone who
is um ya’ know taking on a um like a new um life. So, um
so yeah, so that a was basically
my ah, my
inspiration, musically, um
I wanted something uplifting and then when we went in to produce it, we sort of
thought like we wanted to have like a Lovin’ Spoonful type of feel to the production, so ya…
Lena Dunham is the total
package. She is an accomplished actress, author, screenwriter, producer,
and director. But even this brilliant
woman, has fallen prey to the “like” syndrome.
Time Out New York, January 15,
Q: What is your favorite place in
New York?
My favorite place is the Cloisters,
even though I barfed there once in 6th grade on a field trip, and
did other things I don’t want to talk about, but I just think it is the most
beautiful and peaceful place and I love places NY like the Cloisters, or like City lsland or like Ditmus Park in Brooklyn where you cant
believe it is the city, especially because I grew up like right on Broadway between Prince and
Spring like right
in New York so any time I went to a place that felt like this secret pocket
of non-city New York it was really
thrilling. I was always obsessed when I
was in middle school like
going to the tenement museum or anything that just like harkened back to a like a new york life that
was a little less new yorky, I was obsessed with like it was farm land, so that’s why I love those

New York Times Interview, December 28, 2008
I’m, you know,
actually, Andrew Cuomo is someone I’ve known for many, many years and we’ve
talked, you know,
throughout this process, so, you
know, we have a really good relationship and I admire the work he’s
doing now and what he’s done, so I’m not really going to kind of criticize any
of these other candidates, because I think there are a lot of people with great
experience, and, you know,
any one of which the governor could easily pick and they’d do a good job.
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